Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Faces in the Landscape

In April 2011 I took some lovely pictures on Dillon Beach in Pt. Reyes Station, CA. When I got home and loaded them into my computer, I discovered these two stony faces: a Sphinx and a gnome!

The Sphinx and Gnome were still there when I returned in April 2012! Pierre the Gnome is covered with with thick green moss--the only vegetation visible on the whole cliff face. Water trickles down from above him, and there's a little pool with fishies right at his feet. Pierre faces South, the Sphinx West, right where California meets the Pacific Ocean.


My piece "Faeries In Flight" was accepted to the SoundWalk Festival in Long Beach, CA on Saturday, October 1. It's a multimedia (sound/scent/visual) installation. Here's some of the audio:

Faeries in Flight by Winstontaneous

SoundWalk 2011: October 1st

More soon!